Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Before & After in the studio

Previous to Dec 28th this is how my art space looked! I had my drawing table set up in the corner, with a small space heater nearby. What you cant get a scale of in this picture was some clutter encroaching on my creative space. Just behind my chair is also where my easel is. No doubt that an unfinished basement in Wisconsin, in December is a cold place. But I made do, I was just happy to even have a corner, but what if a basement corner could become an art room! The idea & help came from a friend, John. This was the best thing to happen for the old year& new year. I am so lucky. This was a neat project for me. It took us 2 days and $ 200, which mostly went to carpeting. For my art room, i had an idea to use tapestriess to make the walls. I was thinking of a hut, in the desert made of beautiful fabrics. I called around to local stores and totally scored when i called URBAN OUTFITTERS on State St. They had large tapestries AND they were on clearance. $9.00!! Marked down from 30! OMG! I was thrilled, i love a good idea and a deal, it was just what i needed. The other really cool thing that happened during the constructing of this art space was this thought: Urban Outfitters was THE destination for me as a teenager. My friend Wendie had heard of or been to Madison and we came up here (from Sycamore, IL) together when I was 15. I was instantly enamoured with Madison, going to State St., and Urban Outfitters! My mom recollects when i got home I told her "when I grow up I want to live in Madison". uh huh. So that would have been 1992. So fast forward to 2008, I live in Madison,(after living in California for 8 years) and I am in Urban Outfitters buying up tapestries ( 15) for my art space, from which I will create my angel art and pursue my business of selling it. Is this what is called a full circle moment?My drawing table in my new art room. Amazing what a difference it makes! Much more conductive for creativity and angel making! Thank you to the "angels" who helped make this happen!!

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